PHP Operators

PHP Operators

The Arithmatic Operators:

Example Name Result
$n + $z Addition Sum of $n and $z.
$n – $z Subtraction Difference of $n and $z.
$n * $z Multiplication Product of $n and $z.
$n / $z Division Quotient of $n and $z.
$n % $z Modulus Remainder of $n divided by $z.
$n ** $z Exponentiation Result of raising $n to the $z power. Introduced in PHP 5.6.

The Assignment Operators:

Assignment Same as Result
$n = $z $n = $z n get the value of z.
$n += $z $n = $n + $z Addition
$n -= $z $n = $n – $z Subtraction
$n *= $z $n = $n * $z Multiplication
$n /= $z $n = $n / $z Division
$n %= $z $n = $n % $z Modulus

Comparison Operators:

Example Name Result
$n == $z Equal Returns true if $n is equal to $z
$n === $z Identical Returns true if $n is equal to $z, and they are of the same type.
$n != $z Not equal Returns true if $n is not equal to $z
$n <> $z Not equal Returns true if $n is not equal to $z
$n !== $z Not identical Returns true if $n is not equal to $z
$n < $z Less than Returns true if $n is less than $z
$n > $z Greater than Returns true if $n is greater than $z
$n <= $z Less than or equal to Returns true if $n is less than or equal to $z.
$n => $z Greater than or equal to Returns true if $n is greater than or equal to $z.

Increment/decrement Operators:

Example Name Result
++$i Pre-increment Increments $i by one, then returns $i
$i++ Post-increment Returns $i, then increments $i by one
–$i Pre-decrement Decrements $i by one, then returns $i
$i– Post-decrement Returns $i, then decrements $i by one

Logical Operators:

Example Name Result
$i and $j And Returns true if both $i and $j are true.
$i or $j Or Returns true if either $i or $j is true.
$i xor $j Xor Returns true if either $i or $j is true, but not both.
! $i Not Returns true if $i is not true.
$i && $j And Return true if both $i and $j are true.
$i || $j Or Returns true if either $i or $j is true.

String Operators:

Example Name Result
$a . $b Concatenation Concatenation of $a and $b
$a .= $b Concatenation assignment Appends $a to $b

Array Operators:

Example Name Result
$i + $j Union Union of $i and $j.
$i == $j Equality Returns true if $i and $j have the same key/value pairs.
$i === $j Identity Returns true if $i and $j have the same key/value pairs in the sameorder and of the same types.
$i != $j Inequality Returns true if $i is not equal to $j.
$i <> $j Inequality Returns true if $i is not equal to $j.
$i !== $j Non-identity Returns true if $i is not identical to $j.