Category: PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL AVG

PostgreSQL AVG The PostgreSQL AVG aggregate function returns the average in a select query. AVG syntax SELECT AVG(table_column) FROM table_name; AVG example Goods table id good_type name description price 1 A Car_1 Car 1 description 100 2 A Car_2 Car 2...

PostgreSQL Count

PostgreSQL Count The PostgreSQL COUNT function returns the number of the rows in a select. COUNT syntax SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name; SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM table_name; COUNT example Goods table id good_type name description price 1 A Car_1 Car 1 description 100...

PostgreSQL Having

The PostgreSQL HAVING clause is a powerful tool that allows you to filter and aggregate data in a query based on conditions applied to the result of a GROUP BY clause. While the WHERE clause is used to filter rows before...

PostgreSQL Group By

PostgreSQL Group By The PostgreSQL GROUP BY is used when at least one of the aggregation functions(count, max, min, sum, avg) is used in a select. Group By syntax SELECT column_name1, column_name2, function(column_name1) FROM table_name GROUP BY column_name1, column_name2 Group By...

PostgreSQL Order By

PostgreSQL Order By The PostgreSQL ORDER BY is used to sort the records of a select. Order By syntax SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY column_name ASC | DESC; Order By example Goods table id good_type name description price 1 A...