JS Operators

The Arithmatic Operators:

The Arithmetic Operators are used with numeric operands and returns a numerical value. There are following arithmatic operators supported by JavaScript language:

Let assume variable a=5 and variable b=10.

Operator Description Example
+ Addition a + b = 15
Subtraction a – b = -5
* Multiplication a * b = 50
/ Division b / a = 2
% Modulus (division remainder) b % a = 0
++ Increment a++ = 6
Decrement a– = 4

The Assignment Operators:

There are following assignment operators supported by JavaScript language:
Let assume variable a=20 and variable b=10.

Operator Example 1 Same As Example 1 Result
= a=b a = 10
+= a+=b a=a+b a = 30
-= a-=b a=a-b a = 10
*= a*=b a=a*b a = 200
/= a/=b a=a/b a = 2
%= a%=b a=a%b a = 0

The Comparison Operators:

There are following comparison operators supported by JavaScript language:
Let assume variable a=2 and variable b=3.

Operator Description Example Result
== is equal to a == b is not true
!= is not equal a != b is true
> is greater than a > b is not true
< is less than a < b is true
>= is greater than or equal to a >= b is not true
<= is less than or equal to a <= b is true

The Logical Operators:

There are following logical operators supported by JavaScript language:
Let assume variable a=5 and variable b=8.

Operator Description Example Result
&& and (a && b) is true
|| or (a || b) is true
! not !(a && b) is false